With close to 100 works spanning almost a century, Salem’s collection of public art includes work in almost every genre, placed on street corners, in parks and in civic buildings throughout the city.
Watch the world rush by, reflected in Bruce West’s untitled polished stainless steel cube on the corner of State and Liberty streets. It’s hard to resist snapping a photo or two, to see what you can capture in the reflective surface.
Receptacle by lauded Oregon artist Mel Katz, is a whimsical nine-foot tall sculpture exploring shape, and positive and negative space in vibrant primary colors. Further west along Chemeketa Street are two murals, both added to the city’s collection in 2017.
In the alley by 1859 Cider Co., look for Mirror Maze by Damien Gilley – a mesmerizing interplay of lines and shapes. Experiment looking at the mural from different viewpoints to see if you can find the sweet spot where the mural snaps into perfect perspective.
隣接する市営駐車場のエレベーター・シャフトで、ブレイン・フォンタナの『Waldo Stewards』を見つけよう。セーラムで最も小さな公園と、そこで見張り番をしている巨大なセコイアへのオマージュであるこの4階建ての作品には、色とりどりのキツツキが生息している。虹のような色彩と遊び心あふれるイメージは、あらゆる年齢層の見る者を楽しませてくれる。
Head to the southeast corner of Liberty and Trade streets to see a contemplative mid-century basalt sculpture by Leroy Setzoil. This work is unique, in that Setzoil is primarily known as a woodworker; this untitled work was originally commissioned in 1968 for the lodge at Sunriver, with basalt Setzoil found along the Deschutes River. An iconic carved teak screen by Setzoil can be seen in the Salem Public Library.