Homelessness is a critical issue in the United States and in Salem as well.
Homelessness impacts business owners, residents and visitors and is a complex issue that requires multiple groups working together to identify and implement solutions that help make our destination a secure and welcoming place for everyone.

Local Government Efforts
The City of Salem is working collaboratively with government entities, nonprofit organizations, and community leaders to tackle the homeless issue on multiple fronts. They are working to reduce the hardships that lead to homelessness, increase access to affordable housing and address issues related to public safety.
For a list of initiatives underway and more information about the city’s efforts to reduce homelessness, go here.
Travel Salem Response
Travel Salem is committed is working with our partners at the local, state, and national levels to advocate on behalf of the tourism industry and help find solutions to the homeless crisis.
Travel Salem created the Tourism & Public Safety Consortium to support the needs of businesses impacted by safety issues. We also launched a communication channel for lodging facility operators to share real-time information with one another.
If you operate a lodging facility and would like to join the network or learn more, please contact Debbie McCune at debbie@travelsalem.com.
How To Help
Community support is crucial to helping the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless. If you see a person in need:
1. Call the Crisis & Information Hotline at Northwest Human Services, 24/7 at 503-581-5535.
2. Refer people to ARCHES day use and self-support service center. ARCHES is open Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and located in downtown Salem at 615 Commercial St. NE.
3. You can also volunteer or donate to local organizations working to end homelessness. See a list of organizations here.
How to Report an Issue
Salem promotes safe and desirable neighborhoods for all members of the community by investigating reports of specific code violations. Salem residents can submit an online form relating to a variety of concerns including abandoned shopping carts, abandoned vehicles, health hazards, garbage and junk removal. You can also call the following:
503-399-9080. ARCHES – to connect people to self-support resources and day use areas
800-560-5535. Northwest Human Services Crisis Line - phone help for people in crisis
503-588-6123. Salem Police non-emergency – for non-life-threatening concerns
9-1-1. For life-threatening safety concerns